Silk’N SensEpil Featured On The Rachel Ray Show
Above is a video clip from the Rachel Ray Show where the Silk’n Sensepil is featured. Check it out and see what you think. It can’t hurt to get another angle on the Sensepil.
Above is a video clip from the Rachel Ray Show where the Silk’n Sensepil is featured. Check it out and see what you think. It can’t hurt to get another angle on the Sensepil.
Most professional and home hair removal methods are quite painful so naturally one of the biggest question surrounding the Silk’n Sensepil is whether it is painful or not. The answer to this question is a yes but not as painful as other methods. The Sensepil can indeed be slightly painful but one of it’s greatest … Read more
Above you can see a video of the Good Morning America Show where they did a feature on laser hair removal and included a bit on the Silk’n Sensepil.